Source:-My own, hand-drawn, edited and color filled.
(Continuation-The Train....The Eiffel Tower)
And, I moved away, thinking to myself…hoping we would perhaps meet again, soon. On my way home, tired and exhausted by the thought of what happened earlier, I decided to take a walk. The weather seemed serene and cool. The rain has covered the lanes, well almost partially. Paris couldn’t have looked prettier, I thought to myself. As I strolled along, on the pale shriveled leaves, they creaked and broke the uncanny silence which surrounded me. How much I wished I had somebody to hold hands with! But, being alone is what I have with me right now.

I stood just in front of this magnanimous feature, adoring its curves and the gloss it had that night. I never admired Eiffel tower much before. My mind, may be was at peace now…or may be I was too occupied by the beauty of my around, to take note of how much I missed dating somebody! It seemed unjust and rather peculiar to be not with somebody; in a city like Paris and with weather this dreamy.

“Your wallet?” For a moment I just stood their numb. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing (or may be I was delusional?). He was there. (My prince charming had come for me.) I had a chance again, to charily notice the details on his face. He seemed rather huge (In a stunning, handcrafted manner) and pretty mannish from such proximity. It was like; words couldn’t fit in my tongue. I had lost count of the seconds spent staring in to his eyes, standing there all dumb. He sheepishly smiled, as I swiftly recollected myself. “Forgot this?” his voice heard angelic, comforting to my ears. (Or may be love has taken a toll on me?) “er… (I almost began to be lost again, but somehow held my composure…) How could I forget this!” I could almost feel my heartbeat racing.

The blue he wore went so well with his well chiseled and gleaming features. He handed over the wallet to me, as my hand brushed against his fingers, and it tingled (I was having goose bumps and they showed!). He was smiling now, as he turned around to leave. I didn’t want to see him leave one more time. (At least ask his name or may be phone number?)

But, then I suddenly realized, he wasn’t alone. As he walked away towards this dark shadow across the park, there she stood, waiting for him. (Ah! I should have known. No decent looking guy is single, ever! Am I the only single person left?) I cursed myself for dreaming a dream which would never be mine. This sucks and, so does being single…


Well, romance who doesn't like? Okay, you had a break-up, tough to move on, so what? There will be a day, a girl/guy and you would again be all to set to clog again. (Pardon me saying ‘clog’) What is it, so fascinating about having this person to admire?

1. The usual highs

2. The unusual happiness

3. The usual laughs

4. The unusual cries

5. The usual banter

6. The unusual tiffs

7. The usual hang-outs

8. The unusual bills

9. The usual excitement

10. The unusual anxiety

Yes, it’s a full on hormonal drive. But, still I say all worth at the end of the day. So, these are some of my all time hit-list for those mushy souls…

1. PS. I Love You

(Beautiful concept, great emotions and yes, the ever effervescent Hilary Swank and the hot Gerard Butler) This I am sure will make you shed a few tears if not a glass full.

My Rating:-5/5

2. A Walk To Remember

This will make you cry and crib not having a guy like Shane West to love you!

My Rating:-5/5

3. The Notebook

Rachel McAdams, one of my favorites and the intense Ryan Goslings. The story is definitely worth a watch.

My Rating:-4.5/5

4. The Vow

For the love of Channing Tatum, this movie was bound to make it to the A-list. But, apart from him, the story is divine and so is Rachel McAdams.

My Rating:-4.5/5

5. Titanic

Yes, the ship sank but the story still remains as one of the legends for sure. Watch it for the drama, passion and romance.

My Rating:-4.5/5

6. The Twilight Saga

Some of you may want to kill me for putting up this movie in the list, but hey! Who doesn’t want a lover similar to Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner? Well, I would die to have any one of them running in the league for me!

My Rating:-4/5

7. Sweet November

Well, I love Keanu Reeves and so should you. (LOL. Just kidding)

My Rating:-3.5/5

8. Serendipity

For the reality and the love, this is surely one of the sweetest in the list.

My Rating:-3.5/5

9. Love Actually

A set of practical stories, how they survive through the times and the romance, of course.

My Rating:-3/5

10. Gone With The Wind

Although, I have to admit, I am not a fan of old movies, but this movie couldn’t be left out. But, if you have a thing for old, this one is definitely worth a watch.

My Rating:-I won’t rate an epic xD haha…would be just unfair.

11. Other’s

Sweet Home Alabama
My Best-friend’s Wedding
Letters From Juliet
Kate And Leopold
The Proposal (My personal favorite of a perfect rom-com.)
Just Like Heaven

(Have a favorite of your own you think I missed? No problem. Let me know, will add on to this list.)

Falling in love I guess is inevitable. I know there might be people who will disagree to this. But I guess, denying a fact is similar to denying death would ever come to us. I strongly believe, there is one for me, and one each for everybody. Haha…I know sounds kind of clichéd. But then again, even after knowing that it might end up giving us pain, long phone bills et al…we fail in our resolutions.

     [[“What according to you is the best and the worst to happen?”]]

Enlighten me with your comments xD!! I’m waiting.


Special add-ons by Dr. Varun (Thanks a lot sir for the suggestions xD):-
Walk The Line
Walk In The Clouds
Message In The Bottle

6/6/2012 12:06:25 am

best: number in wallet, worst: never meet again.........that's one impressive list of movies, I can't even think of four if I have to. love is inevitable? I wish it wasn't.

6/6/2012 03:26:22 am

Hahaha....I'm glad you liked my list of movies xD...
How we all wish that those inevitable things weren't inevitable after all? Wishful thinking at it's best :)

Thanks for reading!! Glad you commented...

Pratik Jain
6/6/2012 01:12:28 am

Well this one takes the cake...out of all ur blogs i really liked this..not comparing but i like it!!
"one for me, and one each for everybody"..are u tlking abt chocolates..hahahah..true it is
great work buddy!

6/6/2012 03:29:00 am

OMG...thanks a ton buddy!! Glad...more than glad you liked this one xD

Chocolates...uhmm... relationships are like them...a little sweet with that bitterness inside...jab takk hoti hai...issues...sugar, fat, etc etc...when it gets over...all you do is regret eating it, without actually enjoying it :)

6/6/2012 02:43:09 am

wht a blog was waiting for sumthng lyk tht frm u, outstanding simply osum luv story and u missed sum of the LOVELY ROMANTIC movies

6/6/2012 03:30:12 am

Thanks a lot sir for liking and commenting...glad you liked it :)

A walk to remember is there...umm the rest...they sound good too..will include these as well :)

Thanks for stopping by xD

6/6/2012 11:35:27 pm

Excellent writing and comparison. I loved the list of the movie you've put here. These movies are just waaaaay too good. I can watch any of these end number of times. About which movie is my favourite, I think you know the answer. I missed your guest column due to bad health. I hope I catch the train next time. Keep writing with the same passion.


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